Thursday, July 7, 2011

Active Living: 4 Things Your Face is trying to tell you about your health (From Dr. Oz Show)

Active Living: 4 Things Your Face is trying to tell you about your health (From Dr. Oz Show)

  • High Cholesterol - Check your eyes to see if there is a ring around your eye.
  • Undiagnosed Allergies - Check your eyes.
  • B Vitatmin Deficiency - Look at the corner of your mouth.  If it is cracks at the corner, it means that you are lack of mineral and vitamin of some of them.  Having a multiple vitamin on a daily basis is a good start.  Check with your doctors and do testings could be better to get a clear picture of what kind of supplment and vitamin you need and go with what you need.
  • Heart Discease - Check your Ear Lopes

We all run a busy daily schedule.
Remember, knowing or understanding how your body work is the most important part of your life.

Go Active. Stay Healthy.

For more information, please check out Doctor Oz Show.

Safari Soapa Handcrafts natural soap, makes massage & bath oils, and promotes healthy green lifestyle.


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