Monday, May 30, 2011

“Why should I buy handmade soap when I can get more soap for less money at a discount superstore?”

“Why should I buy handmade soap when I can get more soap for less money at a discount superstore?”

Because the soap you buy from a mass merchandiser is not actually soap at all, but a harsh detergent filled with chemicals and synthetics.

Handmade soap is created by mixing sodium hydroxide with oils and butters warmed to a certain temperature. When these two substances mix together a process called saponification takes place, this is the sodium hydroxide turning the oils and butters into soap. During this process a substance called glycerin is created. Glycerin is a humectant, meaning it attracts water to your skin and keeps it moisturized and supple.

Handmade soap retains all this natural glycerin and deposits it on your skin as you use the soap, along with scrubbing away the dirt and germs, of course. This leaves your skin moisturized afterwards, and moisturized skin looks and feels younger, retards fine line and wrinkles, and is less irritable.

Commerical soap starts out the same way. But instead of using vegetable oils, manufacturers use animal tallow and lard. This is the waxy, white substance you see in blocks at the grocery store. It comes from the fatty areas of butchered livestock. After the sodium hydroxide is mixed with the tallow or lard, all the natural glycerin is removed and sold for use in other high-end products. Then the soap goes through a milling process, where it is first shredded and then chemicals and preservatives are added to make it smell good and to retard mold growth. Then it is re-melted down into the typical bar shape you find in the stores.
This leaves you with not real soap, but a harsh detergent that strips the natural oils from your skin. Ever wonder why you are always reaching for the lotion after washing your hands? Because the “soap” has removed all the natural oils that keep your skin moisturized. Detergents are great for washing dishes or clothes, but not for skin!

Safari Soapa Handcrafts natural soap, makes massage & bath oils, and promotes healthy green lifestyle.


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Healthy Options of Days Gone By said...

I love this, going to share it! I get asked that alot.. never have time to put it in writing !!!

Melissa said...

Good wording! I would also add that synthetic fragrances are toxins to your body and why would someone go to all the trouble making handmade soap and add toxins to it! Essential oils only! That's my motto! Even though fragrance oils are DEEMED safe, they are toxins to your body! Yes essential oils could BE toxins if in excess, but in the case of soap, it is diluted. ALL NATURAL IS THE BEST!! No SYNTHETICS!