Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good fat vs. bad fat and why you should eat more healthy fats (Coconut Oil)

Good fat vs. bad fat and why you should eat more healthy fats

Don't fear fats - instead, make sure you're getting healthy essential fats in your diet with these tips. This yummy coconut ball recipe is a great place to start!

10 useful tips for healthy fat consumption
1. Good sources of quality fats include: olive oil, coconut oil and coconut butter, organic butter or ghee, organic grass-fed animal fats, eggs, fish and fish oils, seeds and seed oils (flax, chia, hemp), avocados and raw organic nuts such as walnuts and almonds. (Coconut oil is a healthy saturated plant fat. Our body uses its fatty acid efficiently as a source of energy and balanced nutrition.)
2. Always choose organic foods for safe fats, as many industrial chemicals and commercial farming chemicals are fat-soluble and are stored in the fats of animals, fowl, fish and plants.
3. Fats to avoid: trans fatty acids, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils (the high temperatures used to produce these oils will destroy their nutrients i.e. margarine), fats from conventionally-raised animals and fish.
4. When purchasing an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement or fish oil, contact the manufacturer to determine what the carrier oil is if it's not listed on the label. Soy oil is commonly used because it's cheap. The carrier oils are often rancid and draw the antioxidant qualities from the good oil in the capsules.
5. Avoid eating roasted nuts because the roasting process causes the fats and oils to go rancid, increasing free-radical damage in your body. (In other words, they make you age faster.)
6. Avoid non-organic dairy sources. In many cases, milk is loaded with the same sort of fat-soluble chemicals found in meats.
7. Avoid any and all deep-fried foods, unless you prepare them yourself and you use coconut or palm oil. Even then, frying and deep-frying should be kept to a minimum.
8. Always use heat-stable fats and oils for cooking, like coconut or grapeseed oil. Avoid using polyunsaturated oils at higher heat temperatures, like olive, sunflower or safflower oil.
9. It's simply best to never eat from fast-food restaurants. They use low-quality foods and fats, many of which are highly processed.
10. If you're a mom, I would recommend going out of your way to assure that your children get adequate EFA's - feed your kids whole organic food and healthy fats!


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