Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Safari Soapa uses Cold Processed Method for all our Soaps.

In Case you wonder how soaps are made, there are generally three methods.

1. Melt and Pour
2. Hot Processed
3. Cold Processed (Traditional method)

Safari Soap uses the traditional method to make soaps. It takes the longest time to dry and it is the most environmentally suitable, greenest method used for centuries. Our soaps take at least 4 to 8 weeks to dry depending on the materials used.

Here is the benefit of cold processed method for Soapmaking:

Cold Process Method: This is the method that many soapmakers use. You mix your oils with your lye, add your scents, colours, and herbs, and let it cure for a period of approximately 1 month. You have not used any heat, so all benefits that all of your ingredients offered are retained in your final soap. Upside is that you have complete control over everything that goes into the soap AND your soap is rich in glycerin, AND nutrients! Downside is that it takes a month to 'make' the soap. But to us, it's worth the wait! Our final bar of handmade soap is so good for your skin! It gently cleanses while it moisturizes. Handmade soap tends to last longer too, because your bar will retain moisture, and not dry out on you (good to the last drop!). And don't forget, that when your soap is made with Essential Oils and Natural Colourants, your bar is 100% natural.

Interested to know more about our soaps?  Please visit .



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