Monday, October 24, 2011

Healthy 15 -Minute Workout: Torch More Calories

15-Minute Workout: Torch More Calories

This high-octane routine will rev your metabolism, melt fat, and be over in no time!

Don't think you can get a solid cardio workout in less than 15 minutes? Happy news: If you have a packed schedule (or tend to lose your focus), high-intensity intervals will give you the results you want in the time you have. In fact, according to fitness experts, short bursts of intense activity burn more calories than steady-state cardio slogs.

This rapid-fire workout—based on a popular new class called Torch at Equinox fitness clubs—will get your heart pumping and your metabolism firing. Plus, thanks to the lean muscle mass you'll build, you'll keep burning calories throughout the day. Two or three times a week, complete as many reps of each move as you can in 60 seconds, going from one exercise to the next without resting. Take a one-minute break, then repeat for a total of three sets. Challenge yourself by upping it to 90 seconds for each move.


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